The theme is “Pilgrims of Hope”, and is a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19, and a climate crisis. It embraces six themes: care for creation, food poverty, managing debt, modern slavery, forgiveness, rest and worship.
My dear friends,
Today's gospel is the beginning of what is called the ‘Sermon on the Plain’. We find a parallel
to this passage in Matthew 5 that is called the ‘Sermon on the Mount’. As these titles suggest,
there are differences and similarities between these gospel readings.
When spoken from the mountaintop in Matthew's Gospel, we can't miss the impression that
Jesus is speaking with the authority and voice of God; the mountaintop is a symbol of closeness
to God. Those who ascend the mountain see God and
speak for God; recall the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments.
As Luke introduces the location of Jesus' teaching, Jesus teaches
on level ground, alongside the disciples and the crowd. Luke
presents Jesus' authority in a different light. He is God among
us and not elevated on a mount.
Another distinction found in Luke's version is the audience. Luke's ‘Sermon on the Plain’ is
addressed to Jesus' disciples, although in the presence of the crowd; Matthew's Sermon on
the Mount is addressed to the crowd. In keeping with this style, the Beatitudes in Luke's
Gospel sound more personal than those in Matthew's Gospel Luke uses the article “you”
whereas Matthew uses “they” or “those.” There is also a difference in number: Matthew
describes eight beatitudes; Luke presents just four, each of which has a parallel warning.
The form of the Beatitudes found in Luke's and Matthew's Gospel is not unique to Jesus.
Beatitudes are found in the Old Testament, such as in the Psalms and in Wisdom literature,
and they are a way to guide us into communion with God and one another.
As we listen to this Gospel, the Beatitudes jar our sensibilities. Those who are poor, hungry,
weeping, or persecuted are called blessed. This is, indeed, a Gospel of reversals according to
western thought and culture. Those often thought to have been forgotten by God are called
blessed. In the list of “woes,” those whom we might ordinarily describe as blessed by God
are warned about their peril. Riches, possessions, laughter, reputation . . . these are not
things that we can depend upon as sources of eternal happiness. They not only fail to deliver
on their promise; our misplaced trust in them will lead to our downfall. The ultimate peril is
in misidentifying the source of true and eternal happiness.
The Beatitudes are often described as a framework for Christian living. Our vocation as Christians
is not to be first in this world, but rather to be first in the eyes of God. We are challenged
to examine our present situation in the context of our ultimate horizon, the Kingdom
of God.
Wishing you well for the week.
Take care,
In his recent letter to us, the Bishop has asked us to examine more closely the recommendations and implications, in the 'Shaping Our Future' document.
'Shaping Our Future' The Brentwood Diocese Vision Document (2019)
The Southend Partnership Response Comprising of the Parishes of: St. Peters, Eastwood; Our Lady of Lourdes & St. Joseph, Leigh-on-sea; Our Lady Help of Christians & St. Helen, Westcliff; Sacred Heart of Jesus, Southend with St. John Fisher, Prittlewell; St. George & The English Martyrs, Shoeburyness with St. Gregoryʼs, Thorpe Bay; St. Teresa of the Child Jesus, Rochford with St. Pius X, Hockley.
'Believing, not belonging ..'''Why Catholics no longer come to Church' Brentwood Diocese Research Report Summer 2023
'We plant the seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted,
knowing that they hold future promise.
We lay foundations that will need further development.
We provide yeast that produces far beyond our capabilities.
We cannot do everything,
and there is a sense of liberation in realising that.
This enables us to do something, and to do it very well.
It may be incomplete, but it is a beginning, a step along the way,
an opportunity for the Lord’s grace to enter and do the rest.
We may never see the end results,
but that is the difference between the master builder and the worker.
We are workers, not master builders;
ministers, not messiahs.
We are prophets of a future not our own.'
Not Just the usual rosary.
We meet for Fellowship, Worship Music, Prayers and the Rosary. If you're looking for something new, A spiritual uplift, Meet new people and obtain a sense of wellbeing?
Then join us in praying For World Peace Vocations, and the conversion of sinners and much more🙏🏼
Any Tuesday 3.30pm @St George’s Church.
All welcome! Just come through the front Entrance Or call Kaz to find out more 07786 000391
As part of its involvement in the wider Justice and Peace community, our Parish Justice & Peace Group participates in local, national and international events. The members of the Parish are invited to participate. Our work is not only about raising money; issues such as food poverty, trafficking, genocide, climate change, recycling, energy conservation, pollution, are all of great concern. Check the newsletter for the date and time of the next meeting. All welcome to come along and hear about the projects we are involved in or planning.
New members for each group would be very welcome.
If you would like to find out more about our work please contact/speak to Brian Fitzgerald ( or 07817842604)
Pope Francis is asking all of us to listen more to each other, to be more open and prayerful, to have a mutual respect for one another, supporting each other in our community.
With this in mind we have moved to a more ‘’open approach’ to all that goes on in the parish.
We propose an ‘open invitation’ to all parishioners to attend all pastoral parish council meetings and greater representation on the council.
Permanent PPC members will include: Our Parish Priest, Parish Secretary, The MC, The Steward of the Gospel, Our Parish school Headteacher, A Youth Representative, The Chairs of; Finance, 669, Justice & Peace, plus others co-opted by the Parish priest who are actively involved in running parish activities. There will also be 3 elected members, voted on by you the parishioners.
We hope that this ’Open Forum’ style Council will encourage greater involvement by all of you in our parish community and cover all aspects of parish life. Our aim will be to unify and support our community and its future needs.
Mary’s Meals serves nutritious school meals to children living in some of the world’s poorest communities. The promise of a good meal attracts these hungry children into the classroom, giving them the energy to learn and hope for a better future.
We are already feeding more than two million children every school day and together, we can reach the next hungry child waiting for Mary’s Meals. It costs just £15.90 to feed a child in a place of education for a whole school year.
Watch Believe's Story Believe is just one of the 1,035,637 children we're feeding across the globe with your support. Out of every £1 donated, at least 93p is spent on their charitable activities.
Please give what you can today.
All your daily Mass Readings here online, including the Psalms, Morning, Evening and Night Prayers.
We invite you to make a 'Sacred Space' in your day, praying here and now, as you visit our website, with the help of scripture chosen every day and on-screen guidance. 'Sacred Space'
Pope Francis asks us not to forget the hungry and marginalised.
So please don’t forget the SVP helping the vulnerable in the Southend area.
Bring an item to Mass next week please!
With the colder nights coming we want to ensure we can support the community that are sleeping on the streets of Southend. We need of Sleeping bags, Hoodies, Jogging bottoms all sizes, Gloves, Hats, Coats and Socks. Please drop donations into the Church office or bring to Mass and we will deliver.
Our Foodbank is running very low of the below items at present. We are constantly providing food for Homeless, vulnerable guests and families who are experiencing food and fuel poverty.
JustGiving Campaign Focus: Keep Hope Alive in 2025
As we step into the new year, the challenges facing St Vincent’s Centre, Southend, continue to grow. Despite our relentless efforts, securing grants has been more difficult than ever, making it harder to cover the core costs that keep our essential services running. Without funding for rent, utilities and staff, we risk losing the stability that so many people rely on.
St Vincent’s is a place of Help, Hope and Opportunity, a safe space where people struggling with homelessness, poverty and mental health challenges can find support, warmth and a path forward. Every donation, no matter how small, helps keep the doors open and ensures that we can provide meals, support programs and vital services for those in need.
Real Impact: Matt came to us lost, struggling with addiction and a lack of direction. Through our Pioneer Program, he discovered a passion for 3D printing, regained confidence and is now leading workshops for others looking to rebuild their lives. Without the core funding to run the Centre, stories like Matt’s wouldn’t be possible.
Can you help us Keep Hope Alive in 2025? Donate today and be part of changing lives, click here to donate
St. Vincent’s Market, We are excited to announce that St Vincent’s Centre Southend is bringing our Market to St Helen's Catholic Church, Westcliff (27 Milton Road, Westcliff-On-Sea, SS0 7JP) every Thursday, starting this coming Thursday the 13th of February. Market Opening Hours: Morning: 9:00 am – 11:00 am Afternoon: 2:30pm – 4:30pm Our goal is to support local families by providing food and essentials. Please pass this on to anyone you feel may need our support.
The full list of needy items is on their Facebook page, but includes: Tinned Veg Meals; UHT Milk; Squash; Coffee; Tinned Fruit; Tinned Custard/Rice pudding; Pasta Sauces;
Roll-On Deodorant; Sunscreen; Shampoo; Shower Gel; Toilet Rolls; Bottled Water; Sanitary Products; Tinned Meat/Fish.
Please drop anything that you can spare into the Presbytery or give it to one of the Ushers.
Visit their SVP Facebook Page
Fr Brett
Please pray for all those who are sick or housebound in our parish, as well as our friends and family.
Father of goodness and love, hear our prayers for the sick members of our community and for all who are in need.
Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence.
Show your mercy as you close wounds, cure illness, make broken bodies whole and free downcast spirits.
May these special people find lasting health and deliverance, and so join us in thanking you for all your gifts. We ask this through the Lord Jesus who healed those who believed.
Please remember the following:
† Betty Ayshford, Frank Axson, Vivienne Axson, Maureen Baker, William Bliss, Hilary Bliss, John Borthwick, Daniel Bradley, Mary Bradley, Philomena Bradley, Ada Braithwaite, John Breen, Kathleen Burke, Stella Byrne, Archie Carmichael, Catherine Collins, May Corr, Michael Cox, Timothy Crowley, Janice D’Castro, Mrs. L. DeViell, Keith Dixey, Bonita Dodd, Simon Dodd, Kathleen Dowling, Anne Downey, Anthony Drozdzicki, Bernard Feeney, John Gillies, Samantha Glover, Frank Glyde, Kathleen Gooding, Malcolm Goodwin, Bernard Haas, Susan Hickey, Ronald Horstead, Joan Jarno, Maeve Knights, Alice Elizabeth MacKereth, John Maguire, Mary Michell, Elizabeth Murray, Heather Notarianni, Donny O’Rourke, Denis O’Sullivan, Leslie Paterson, Harry Pither, Jack Pollock, Florence Porter, Gerard Porter, Jillian Saunders, Dorothy Sharman, Katy Smith, Anne Spratt, Pamela Stennett, Mary Tinson, Walter Watson. †
Fr Brett
You would be very welcome! Register for an emailed weekly newsletter and keep in touch with, mass times, community news and much more ...
Helena is raising money for The Finish Line Fund, a charity that provides defibrillators and health and wellbeing support to Southend-on-Sea and East Essex sporting bodies at the Coffee Morning in the Hall this weekend. All welcome to come in after the 10.45am Mass.
Next weekend, Brian and his J & P colleagues will be in the hall encouraging us to sign cards for Persecuted Christians around the world.
Fr Brett
We meet for Fellowship, Worship Music, Prayers and the Rosary. If you're looking for something new, A spiritual uplift, Meet new people and obtain a sense of wellbeing?
Then join us in praying For World Peace Vocations, and the conversion of sinners and much more🙏🏼
Any Tuesday 3.30pm @St George’s Church.
All welcome! Just come through the front Entrance Or call Kaz to find out more 07786 000391
Fr Brett
FAN THE FLAME OF HOPE - Saturday 15th March 2025
11am-6pm Ovo Arena, Wembley
We are now taking names of anyone wishing to attend Flame NEXT year, as the Diocese want to get a bulk booking in early.
If you think you would like to join us for this terrific event, with the content aimed at Year 10 to 13, please contact Sharon.
Last year over 1,000 young people from across the Diocese attended the Flame, along with thousands from all around the country.
As we did last year, we would hope to get a coach to and from the venue.
Look forward to hearing from you.
Fr Brett
If you are interested in participating in this fundraiser for the church, please return your form to the church office as soon as possible.
If your form went out with the Christmas recycling, please contact Sharon, who will be able to arrange a new one!
Fr Brett
Remember, if you 'Gift aid' it then every for every donation we receive from you we can claim back 25% from the Govermment!
Click to submit your booking intentions and check hall availablity
Full hall hire terms and conditions
Brief guide to its constitution, membership and meeting records
Pope Francis - 'Rejoice and be Glad'
Pope Francis - Encyclical
The full Catholic catechism
Care for our common home and each other
Pope Francis - a reflection on family life
'The Joy of the Gospel'
A brief guide when making mass intentions
A brief helpful guide for parents with young children
Supporting the faith development of young people - Pope Francis